Addressing Substance Abuse in Health Care Settings

This article summarizes the proceedings of a roundtable discussion at the 2005 annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism in Santa Barbara, California. The chair was William R. Miller. The presentations were as follows: (1) Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Problems, by Allen Zweben; (2) Three Intervention Models and Their Impact on Medical Records, by Denise Ernst; (3) Pharmacotherapies for Managing Alcohol Dependence in Health Care Settings, by Roger D. Weiss; (4) The Trauma Center as an Opportunity, by Carol R. Schermer; (5) Motivational Interviewing by Telephone and Telemedicine, by Catherine Baca; (6) Health Care as a Context for Treating Drug Abuse and Dependence, by Wilson M. Compton; and (7) Interventions for Heavy Drinking in Health Care settings: Barriers and Strategies, by Mark L. Willenbring.