The main objectives of this study are to analyze the Massachusetts Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in order to determine their standard definition of an emergency, the HMOs instructions for seeking emergency care, and distribution of such instructions for the pediatric population. A 15-question survey concerning pediatric emergency care policies and procedures was asked of each of the 20 HMOs contacted. Quarterly statements of each of the 20 HMOs were obtained from the Division of Insurance as well as the HMO's written materials distributed to the enrollees as member handbooks. Ninety percent of the HMOs had a definition of emergency care for the adult population, whereas 0% had a definition of emergency care specifically for the pediatric population. One hundred percent of the HMOs had instructions for emergency care, but 0% had specific provisions for pediatric emergency care. All 20 HMOs inform their enrollees about emergency policies through a member handbook. The results of this study reveal the lack of a standard definition of an emergency for HMOs. The current definitions of "urgent," "emergency," and "life-threatening emergency" care do not reflect the pediatric population, rather, these definitions are based on the adult population. The lack of specific pediatric guidelines could compromise the health of the children in HMOs.

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