Longitudinal Investigation of Methamphetamine Use Among Gay and Bisexual Men in New York City: Findings from Project BUMPS

In recent years, methamphetamine has become a drug more commonly used among gay and bisexual men in New York City. Part of a longitudinal investigation of drug abuse in this population involved assessing the patterns and context of methamphetamine use during the course of 1 year. Findings indicate that among self-identified club-drug-using men, methamphetamine is widely used by men across age groups, educational level, racelethnicity, and HIV status. Participants reported use of methamphetamine in combination with numerous other illicit and prescribed substances and in a variety of contexts outside the “club scene.” Reasons for and contexts of use are related to HIV status, with HIV-positive men indicating a greater likelihood of use to avoid conflict, unpleasant emotions, and social pressures, and reporting higher levels of use in enviroments such as bathhouses and “sex parties.” These patterns and relationships are consistent across time and suggest a complex interaction between person level factors, environmental factors, and HIV. Findings indicate that treatment of methamphetamine addiction among gay and bisexual men must take into account the complex interrelationships between mental health, drug use, sexual risk taking, and HIV.