One of the more vexing problems with hominoid endocasts has been to secure reliable information that goes beyond their volumes. One method is explored here, where a large number ( N = 171) of radial distances from a homologous internal central point to the dorsal endocast surface are measured in a polar coordinate system. From two pilot studies, one with a hominoid sample of N = 64, and the other with an enlarged sample of N = 92, the following results can be mentioned tentatively: (1) there are residual data that differ taxonomically in different cortical regions once overall endocast size is corrected in allometric fashion; (2) the major cortical regions where these differences appear most strongly are in the lower parietal lobule, anterior occipital zone, and the dorsoanterior region of the frontal lobe; (3) the method shows excellent promise in objectively and quantitatively depicting taxa-specific shape differences in functionally understood cortical regions through multivariate statistical analyses.

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