Acute tears of the posterior cruciate ligament. Results of operative treatment.

The posterior cruciate ligament, situated near the center of the knee, functions as the basic stabilizer and is located close to the axis of motion. We diagnosed and repaired thirty-two consecutive acute tears of the posterior cruciate ligament associated with tears of medial or lateral-compartment ligaments, or of both. Of the twenty-nine knees that we could evaluate, twenty-three demonstrated a 2+ to 3+ positive abduction or adduction stress test done in maximum extension and a positive anterior drawer test done in maximum internal rotation, while only nine had a definitely positive posterior drawer test. In all knees we repaired the tears, using the medial meniscus as a graft in nine knees in which the repair of the posterior cruciate ligament did not produce immediate adequate stability at operation. Five to sixteen years after operation, twenty of these twenty-nine knees were available for evaluation. The objective results were good in thirteen, fair in four, and poor in three.

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