Comparison of the Physiologically Equivalent Proteins Cytochromec6and Plastocyanin on the Basis of Their Electrostatic Potentials. Tryptophan 63 in Cytochromec6May Be Isofunctional with Tyrosine 83 in Plastocyanin

The blue copper protein plastocyanin and the heme protein cytochrome c6 differ in composition and in structure but perform the same function in the photosynthetic electron-transport chain. We compare these two proteins on the basis of their electrostatic potentials in order to understand the structural basis of their functional equivalence. In the first approach, we use a monopole−dipole approximation of the electrostatic potentials to superimpose the proteins. The resulting alignment suggests that Tyr51 in cytochrome c6 corresponds to Tyr83 in plastocyanin. But since Tyr51 is not conserved in all known cytochrome c6 sequences, a physiological role of this residue is questionable. In a more sophisticated approach, we applied the recently-developed Fame (flexible alignment of molecule ensembles) algorithm, in which molecules are superimposed by optimizing the similarity of their electrostatic potentials with respect to the relative orientation of the molecules. On the basis of the Fame alignments of plastocyanin and cytochrome c6, we analyze the docking and the electron-transfer reactions of these two proteins with its physiological reaction partner cytochrome f. We derive functional analogies for individual amino acids in possible electron-transfer paths in the interprotein redox reactions. We identify two surface patches in cytochrome c6 that may be involved in electron-transfer paths. The hydrophobic patch with the exposed heme edge in cytochrome c6 may be equivalent to the hydrophobic patch with His87 in plastocyanin, whereas Trp63 in cytochrome c6 may be equivalent to Tyr83 in plastocyanin. An aromatic amino acid is present at the position of Trp63 in all known cytochrome c6 sequences. The electronic coupling between the heme and the copper site on the one side and several potentially important amino acid residues on the other is analyzed by the Pathways method. We have proposed recently that Lys65 of cytochrome f and Tyr83 of plastocyanin form a cation−π system, which may be involved in a two-step mechanism of the electron-transfer reaction between these two proteins from higher plants. Now we corroborate this proposal by analyzing available amino acid sequences.

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