Eleven parasites and predators of the saddled prominent, heterocampa guttivitta (Walker), were found in a severe infestation of a forest at Groton, Vermont. The most active predator was the bronzed grackle, Quiscalus versicolor Vieillot. Cralichneumon sublatus Cresson was abundant in the forest and is considered to be one of the more important of the parasites. Several larvae of Sympiesis tischeriae Ashmead were observed feeding on a larva of H. guttivitta and this represents a new host record. The Ascomycete Cordyceps sp. was also a major parasite of H. guttivitla pupae. H. biundata Walker also occurred in the same microenvironment with H. guttivitla and these 2 species form the “Heterocampa complex” in this forest.