In summary, it is difficult to define the proper role for PEF monitoring in the management of pediatric asthma. One can certainly state that not every child with asthma requires a PEF meter and that PEF-based asthma management plans are not suitable for widespread use in asthmatic children. Furthermore, measurements of PEF or PEFV are not suitable for diagnosing asthma, particularly mild asthma in children. However, it is more difficult to be certain when PEF monitoring should be used in children with asthma. Given the concerns expressed above, the approach adopted by the Australian Paediatric Respiratory Group, that is, “home monitoring PEF will be considered [in children J more than 6-8 years old who have persistent symptoms” and that “PEF monitoring be undertaken on a short term (weeks to months) rather than on a long term (years) basis,” appears reasonable, although this position is not based on any scientific evidence.