Synergistic Action of Russell Viper Venom and Tissue Thromboplastin Extracts.

An extract of acetone-dehydrated rabbit brain has as high a thrombo-plastic activity when measured on normal human plasma by the one stage prothrombin time as that of any other known tissue extract. An increased thromboplastic activity is obtained on mixing different tissue extracts. Extracts of rabbit brain and placenta when mixed yield a prothrombin time of 8.5 seconds. The synergistic action between rabbit brain and Russell viper venom is especially great[long dash]a prothrombin time of 6 seconds on human plasma is obtained. This synergistic effect is absent if either prothrombin or labile factor (factor V) is lacking. The activity of Russell viper venom is not influenced by lack of stable factor (factor VII), whereas the activity of rabbit brain thromboplastin is markedly affected. Human plasma, after giving Dicumarol (3,3[image]-methylenebia [4-hydroxycoumarin]) has a short prothrombin time when combined rabbit brain extract and Russell viper venom is used, indicating that stable factor is mainly diminished.