Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is caused by quantitative and/or qualitative defects of the von Willebrand factor (vWF), a multimeric high molecular weight glycoprotein. Typically, it affects the primary hemostatic system, which results in a mucocutaneous bleeding tendency simulating a platelet function defect. The vWF promotes its function in two ways: (i) by initiating platelet adhesion to the injured vessel wall under conditions of high shear forces, and (ii) by its carrier function for factor VIII in plasma. Accumulating knowledge of the different clinical phenotypes and the pathophysiological basis of the disease translated into a classification that differentiated between quantitative and qualitative defects by means of quantitative and functional parameters, and by analyzing the electrophoretic pattern of vWF multimers. The advent of molecular techniques provided the opportunity for conducting genotype‐phenotype studies which have recently helped, not only to elucidate or confirm important functions of vWF and its steps in post‐translational processing, but also many disease causing defects. Acquired von Willebrand syndrome (avWS) has gained more attention during the recent years. An international registry was published and recommendation by the Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis in 2000. It concluded that avWS, although not a frequent disease, is nevertheless probably underdiagnosed. This should be addressed in future prospective studies. The aim of treatment is the correction of the impaired hemostatic system of the patient, ideally including the defects of both primary and secondary hemostasis. Desmopressin is the treatment of choice in about 70% of patients, mostly with type 1, while the others merit treatment with concentrates containing vWF.