Effects of phosphorus and potassium deficiency treatment on roots secretion of wheat and rice seedlings

Firstly, the secretion of sugars, protein and acid phosphatase from wheat and rice roots into surrounding medium under conditions of P and K deficiency stresses were studied. Secondly, Sephadex elution patterns of wheat root exudates labeled with 14C under N, P and K deficiency treatments were compared. P deficiency treatment induced acid phosphatase activity in medium, in spite of the decrease in the secretion of total sugars and pro tein from roots into medium, whereas no such increase was observed in K deficiency stress. Secretion of high molecular fraction of 14C compounds from roots was accelerated by P deficiency stress, probably being associated with the presence of phosphatase activity in the medium. Activity of acid phosphatase secreted from P-deficient roots corresponded to nearly one half of the rate of P absorption by normal plant.