Experimental study ofKL0→π+π−γand other rare decay modes

Using the SLAC KL0 spectrometer facility, we have measured the ratio (KL0π+πγ)Γ(KL0all) to be (6.2 ± 2.1) × 105. The ratio and Dalitz-plot distribution of 24 ± 10 events are consistent with CP conservation in this weak-electromagnetic decay. We have also set upper limits on various processes, as follows: Γ(KL0μ+μγ)Γ(KL0all)7.8×106, 90% C.L.; Γ(KL0μ+μπ0)Γ(KL0all)5.7×105, 90% C.L.; Γ(KL0π+πe+e)Γ(KL0all)8.8×106, 90% C.L.; Γ(KL0π0π±eν)Γ(KL0all)2.2×103, 90% C.L.