K Auger spectrum of iron from the57Co decay

The relative intensities and energies of the KLL, KLM, and KMM Auger electrons of iron (Z=26) were measured using an electrostatic spectrometer. Discrepancies exceeding five standard deviations were observed between the experimental KL1L1(1S0), KL1L2(1P1) and KL2L3(1D2) intensities and those calculated relativistically in the intermediate-coupling scheme with configuration interaction. The measured KL3M2,3/KL2M2,3 intensity ratio disagrees completely with the prediction based on the jj-coupling scheme while it is close to the value calculated in the approximation of intermediate coupling. The intensity ratios KLL : KLM : KM1-3M1-3 : K-14.4 keV=(4.0+or-0.6) : (1.0+or-0.1) : (0.05+or-0.02) : (3.0+or-0.3) were determined.

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