An Intralaboratory Quality Control Program for Quantitation of CD34+ Cells by Flow Cytometry

This study was undertaken to develop a quality control protocol to monitor instrument, operator, and CD34 assay performance. A dual level control system was established by cryopreserving aliquots of cells from peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collections exhibiting different percentages of CD34+ cells. Twenty-five samples from each control specimen were assayed to establish a control range (mean ± 2 SD). Levey-Jennings graphs were prepared for each control specimen to plot multiple measurements of CD34%. No significant differences were observed between fresh or cryopreserved PBPC aliquots in terms of light scatter properties or CD34 antigen density within the gated cell population. Cryopreserved PBPC samples are ideal for serving as a positive methodology control for daily CD34 analysis. Furthermore, such a system can help identify problems with assay reagents, sample preparation technique, or incorrect data analysis.