Abnormal Schilling Test Corrected by Intestinal Juice

A NUMBER of pathologic processes may impair the intestinal absorption of vitamin B12. These conditions include pernicious anemia,1 sprue and other malabsorptive syndromes,2 blind loops,3 , 4 massive intestinal resection,5 iron deficiency6 and postgastrectomy states.7 , 8 Reversal of this abnormality may depend upon intrinsic factor9 (as in pernicious anemia), ACTH10 (as in sprue), surgical correction of blind intestinal loops11 or suppression of bacterial flora with antibiotics.3 , 12 Recently, Colle et al.13 described improvement in absorption of radioactively labeled vitamin B12 after oral administration of intestinal secretions. Nevertheless, the data presented indicate failure to reproduce the effect on one occasion as well . . .