The study was subdivided into 3 phases. In the 1st phase, the sperm numbersin the ampulla, ductus deferens, and the cauda epididymis were determined. The average values were: (1) 22 ampullae, 418 million, (2) 10 ducta deferentia, 340 million, (3) 25 cauda epididymides, 8,806 million. The number of spermatozoa in the ampullae and tile ducta deferentia is not sufficient for a normal ejaculate, whereas the cauda contains enough spermatozoa for a number of ejaculates. During the 2d phase, the distribution of spermatozoa within the epididymides of 46 bulls was determined. The cauda epididymis contained 45.42%, corpus, 18.34%, and the caput, 36.24%, of the total spermatozoa counted in the epididymides. The relation of testicular and epididymal weights to the sperm contents in the cauda and caput epididymis was studied in the last phase. The correlation coefficients between the following variables were calculated on a between-bull basis: (1) testicle weight and sperm number in the cauda, 0.16, (2) epididymis weight and sperm in the cauda, 0.32, (3) cauda weight and sperm in the cauda, 0.37, (4) caput weight and sperm in the cauda, 0.36, (5) testicle weight and sperm number in the caput, 0.20, (6) epididymis weight and sperm in the caput, 0.27, (7) caput weight and sperm in the caput, 0.34. None of the correlation coefficients was significant.