Immunologic Study of Artificial Skin Used in the Treatment of Thermal Injuries

Artificial skin (Integra) has been developed as an effective treatment of full-thickness burns. The material consists of a bovine collagen and chondroitin-6-sulfate dermal matrix with a silicone rubber "epidermal" layer. After burn wound excision, the artificial skin is implanted. Only the temporary silicone rubber epidermal membrane is removed. The dermal collagen matrix is incorporated by the host. Serial serum samples were obtained from patients who had grafts of Integra artificial skin for the determination of the humoral immune response to Integra. Integra artificial skin presents few if any humoral immunologic problems to patients. Increased antibody activity to bovine skin collagen, bovine skin collagen with chondroitin sulfate, and human skin collagen was not considered immunologically significant.

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