Effects of MK-771 on the isolated amphibian spinal cord: Comparison with thyrotropin-releasing hormone

Topically applied MK-771 (pyro-2-aminoadipyl-histidyl-thiazolidine-4-carboxamide), a novel thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) analog, was found to be equipotent with TRH in depolarizing the ventral roots of the isolated, hemisected amphibian (Bufo marinus) spinal cord. The 3-methyl-histidyl analog of TRH was approximately 10 times more potent than MK-771 and TRH. MK-771 is known to be equiactive with TRH in their actions on the pituitary gland. Taken together these findings suggest that the previously observed enhanced potency of systemically administered MK-771 over TRH in in vivo central nervous system (CNS) test paradigms is not likely to be due to a difference in the agonist requirements of CNS as compared with pituitary receptors for TRH.