The Effects of Dichloromethylene Biphosphonate on Osteoporotic Femora of Adult Castrate Male Rats

In a previous study we reported that castration of adult male rats resulted in femoral osteoporosis 4 months later. The present study tested the effects of dichloromethylene biphosphonate (Cl2MBP, formerly Cl2MDP), a bone resorption inhibitor, on the development of osteoporosis in femora of adult castrated male rats. One-year-old male Holtzman rats were assigned to three groups: sham-operated controls; castrated-no treatment; castrated+ Cl2MBP injections 3 times/week. The animals were sacrificed 4 months later. Femora from untreated castrated rats were osteoporotic, confirming our earlier study. Femora from Cl2MBP-treated castrates did not differ from those of controls and were significantly denser and more robust than those of untreated castrated rats. The results indicated that Cl2MBP treatment started immediately after castration prevented the development of femoral osteoporosis in adult castrated male rats.