TSC and dielectric study of multiple relaxations in poly‐L‐proline

The thermally stimulated current (TSC) technique has been used to perform a detailed study of the complex relaxation modes observed in poly‐L‐proline II. Each mechanism has been resolved into elementary processes, each well described by using the assumption of a single relaxation time following an Arrhenius equation. This resolution allows us to predict the complex dielectric constant for temperatures between 77 and 400°K and frequencies between 10−6 and 104 Hz. In the range where experimental results are available, the predicted energy losses are in very good agreement with those measured by DC transient experiments, the pendulum technique without contacting electrodes, and the AC bridge. We discuss the probable origin of the various relaxation modes. The relaxation observed at the highest temperature may be attributed to electrons trapped at the boundaries between paracrystalline and crystalline regions. From the changes in the relaxations caused by bound water, we conclude that there are two types of water interacting with the macromolecular substrate. With increasing water content, the relaxation modes observed may first be due to water tightly bound between two carbonyl groups of adjacent chains and second, to increased stiffness of the poly‐L‐proline chain from more mobile water.