Sperm transfer via discrete spermatophores has evoked in a number of benthic tube-dwelling and interstitial polychaetes and tends to reduce gamete loss during the transfer when compared with broadcast spawning. The size, shape and mode of transfer of spermatophores may vary considerably as is exemplified by the 8 spp. of spionid polychaetes discussed [Boccardia proboscidea, Microspio mecznikowianus, Polydora hermaphrodifica, P. ligni, P. websteri, Pygospio elegans, Scolelepis squamata and Spio filicornis]. The morphology and ultrastructure of spermatophores from 2 spp. of Polydora, [P. ligni and P. websteri], as seen with the scanning electron microscope, are described in detail for the 1st time. The relationship between spermatophore transfer and direct copulation is discussed, along with the advantages of spermatophore production by tube-dwelling polychaetes.