Numerical calculations have been performed to obtain the exact infinite-temperature time-dependent spin autocorrelation function G(t) for a linear chain of N spins (S=12) interacting by nearest-neighbor Heisenberg exchange for N=5, 7, 9 and 11 by a method different from that of Carboni and Richards. Exact results for the first 20 moments and estimates for M22 to M30 of the frequency autocorrelation function for the infinite chain are provided. Excellent agreement is obtained with some recent results obtained by Morita, who, however, gives terms only up to M10. G(t) does not show a simple monotonic diffusive (t12) behavior within 4J, the time domain up to which we believe our result for N=11 to be equivalent to that of the infinite chain although it is reduced to about 10% of its value at t=0.