Studies on deoxynucleic acids and related compounds. IV. Syntheses of an octanucleotide containing a recognition site for restriction enzyme Eco RI and of an arabinosyladenine analog.

An octanucleotide containing a recognition site for Eco RI and its arabinosyladenine (araA) analog, dGGAATTCC and dGGaraAATTCC, were synthesized by the phosphotriester approach with phosphoro-p-anisidate as the protecting group for 3''-phosphodiesters. araA was converted to 5''-dimethoxytrityl-N,2''-O-benzoyl 3''-p-chlorophenyl phosphate and condensed with N-benzoyldeoxyadenosine 3''-p-chlorophenyl phosphoro-p-anisidate to yield the protected araAdAp. Other deoxynucleotide blocks (dAAp, dGGp) were prepared similarly and condensed with a 5''-deblocked dTTCC block having the 3''-O-benzoyl group after removal of the p-anisidate group with isoamyl nitrite.