Evidence That Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds

In situ measurements of the relative humidity with respect to ice (RH i ) and of nitric acid (HNO 3 ) were made in both natural and contrail cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere. At temperatures lower than 202 kelvin, RH i values show a sharp increase to average values of over 130% in both cloud types. These enhanced RH i values are attributed to the presence of a new class of HNO 3 -containing ice particles (Δ-ice). We propose that surface HNO 3 molecules prevent the ice/vapor system from reaching equilibrium by a mechanism similar to that of freezing point depression by antifreeze proteins. Δ-ice represents a new link between global climate and natural and anthropogenic nitrogen oxide emissions. Including Δ-ice in climate models will alter simulated cirrus properties and the distribution of upper tropospheric water vapor.

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