The Role of Sensitization to Malassezia sympodialis in Atopic Eczema

Atopic eczema (AE) is a chronic relapsing, highly pruritic inflammation of the skin with a worldwide prevalence of 10-20% in children and of 1-3% in adults. Malassezia sympodialis has been reported as the most frequent skin-colonizing yeast in both AE patients and healthy individuals. Approximately 50% of the AE patients show immediate-type skin reactions or have specific serum IgE against M. sympodialis. Sensitization to the yeast occurs almost exclusively in AE patients. The main cause for this specific sensitization may be the disrupted skin barrier facilitating allergen uptake. So far thirteen allergens of Malassezia have been cloned produced, characterized and partly studied in vitro and in vivo. Phylogenetically conserved allergen structures, such as manganese superoxide dismutase, may play a role as cross-reactive allergens in a subset of AE patients as a result of molecular mimicry and cross-reactivity with structurally related human proteins and might contribute to the perpetuation of the inflammatory skin reactions. The use of recombinant Malassezia allergens will contribute to elucidate the pathways of sensitization occurring in AE, the underlying immunological mechanisms governing IgE- and T-cell-mediated responses and may provide new therapeutic options to alleviate Malassezia-related symptoms in AE.

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