Serologic Evidence of Noninvasive Nature ofStaphylococcus aureusInfection in the Toxic-Shock Syndrome

To the Editor: Using established serologic methods,1 , 2 we studied the teichoic acid antibody response and the development of circulating immune complexes in eight menstruating women (mean age, 19.6 years; range, 15 to 30) and one 36-year-old man at the onset of toxic-shock syndrome.3 The patients were studied between February 1 and August 1, 1980. Paired acute-phase and convalescentphase serum specimens from patients with toxic-shock syndrome meeting the case definition previously described4 were provided by the Wisconsin Division of Health and the Bacteriology Laboratory, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (courtesy of Philip J. Wand). The man had a left axillary furuncle . . .