Deposition of calcium salts in the pancreatic tissue is an uncommon pathologic finding. Clinical diagnosis of the condition is even more unusual, and few case histories have been reported. Beling,1 in a thorough survey of the literature, found 12 cases in which diffuse calcification of the pancreas was thought to be present, and to these he added an instance of his own. We have reviewed the original articles and cannot agree that cases 1 and 3 cited by him have sufficient evidence to be considered examples of the syndrome under discussion. According to Mayo,2 two types of calcium deposits within the pancreas have been described. The first, "true stones," are concretions of calcium salts lying free in the ducts. These may be single or multiple and usually lie in the larger ducts. The second variety he termed "false stones," actual calcifications of the parenchyma of the pancreas. It