The pepsins of normal human gastric juice

1. The frequency of occurrence, under defined conditions, of the different human pepsins in the gastric juices of 50 normal subjects was investigated by agar-gel electrophoresis. 2. From a total of eight proteolytic zones located in the zymograms, no significant differences of occurrence existed between the sexes, or between subjects with or without gastric symptoms. 3. Two zones, numbered 3 and 5, occurred in all normal gastric juices. Zone 3 always exhibited the greatest proteolytic activity, then zone 5. The remaining enzymic zones were less well-marked and occurred less frequently. 4. A minor zone, 3a, was demonstrated within zone 3. The corresponding pepsin, 3a, has a mobility towards the anode 6–7% greater than has pepsin 3. 5. Of the eight zones, 1,2,3,3a and 5, at least, represent unique pepsins.