Neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells in defined media

The P19 embryonal carcinoma cell line is a useful model system for analyzing the factors that regulate neuronal differentiation. In order to analyze the extrinsic factors that are involved in differentiation, it is necessary to carry out experiments in fully defined media. Here we have investigated the neuronal differentiation of P19 cells in two defined media. Cells that are propagated and induced with retinoic acid in standard serum-containing medium are capable of differentiating into neuron-like cells in N2 medium. Dividing fibroblast-like cells also appeared in these cultures. After about 10 days in culture in N2 medium, the great majority of neuron-like cells died. On the other hand, culturing induced cells in N2 medium for 5 days and then switching to a defined medium consisting of Neurobasal medium plus B27 supplement allowed the neuron-like cells to survive for prolonged periods of time. This defined medium thus provides a suitable system for analyzing extrinsic factors that affect the survival and differentiation of P19 neurons. P19 cells induced with retinoic acid and plated in N2 were exposed to bFGF and EGF, which are known to be mitogens for neuronal precursor cells. Both growth factors were mitogenic for a subpopulation of the induced cells. In separate experiments, cells cultured in N2 in the presence of RA were induced to differentiate into neuron-like cells.