Pancreatic and salivary amylase activity in undernourished Colombian children

Amylase activities were quantitated in secretions of marginally and severely malnourished Colombian children. In young children with a mean age of 21 months, the relative pancreatic and salivary amylase isozyme activities of urine were significantly changed in marginally malnourished children compared to normal children. There was a relative increase in salivary and decrease in pancreatic amylase activity in the undernourished children and total amylase activity was somewhat decreased. Amylase activity in saliva and tears was significantly lower in these malnourished children. Older children who were more severely malnourished had significantly lower amylase activity in their sera and tears. Thus marginal and severe malnutrition affects the production of amylase by the pancreas and salivary glands of young children distinctly. It significantly suppresses amylase activity in tears, saliva, and serum.