Alcohol and drug abuse in Nepal

Alcohol use has been in Nepal since time immemorial. Social tolerance to alcohol use is quite high and so far alcohol has not been taken seriously either by the Government or by any social organization. Production, sale, and consumption of alcohol is ever on the increase and it could be taken as the number one problem drug in the country. Cannabis and opium use has been in Nepal for centuries and in the past they did not pose much of a problem. Drug use began to be seen as a problem since only the mid-1960s and early-1970s with the influx of large numbers of hippies. Presently, the drug scene in Nepal is dominated by heroin and it has affected youths, mainly in the urban areas. A number of measures, both on supply reduction and demand reduction, have been taken by the Government together with non-Governmental organizations. However, the number of drug users is on the increase. Relapse rate following detoxification treatment is quite high. After-care and rehabilitative measures are lacking. Many drug users become involved in high-risk behaviours in spite of their knowledge of the dangers. Therefore, it calls for the change in our strategies which must be based on the thorough understanding of human nature and its behaviour.