The Use of Borate Buffer in Paper Electrophoresis of Serum

The 3 buffers used for comparison were (1) 0.05 [image] barbitone, (2) 0.2 [image] borate buffer prepared by mixing 0.2 [image] boric acid (3.5 volume) with 0.2 [image] NaOH (1 volume); (3) borate barbitone buffer by mixing equal volumes of (1) with 0.1[image] borate buffer. In borate buffer, one of the beta-globulins was separated as a faint band from other beta-globulin bands in fresh normal human serum. After aging, one of the beta-globulin band is converted to a band ahead of other beta-globulin bands. Borate barbitone buffer combines the advantages of borate and barbitone.