Improved modelling of suspended solids discharge from asphalt surface during storm event

Measurements, aiming at the investigation of pollution wash-off from a single asphalt area which is drained into one gullypot, have been carried out at two similar experimental urban catchments: in Lund, Sweden, and in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. At both sites the continuous measurements of rainfall intensity, storm runoff and four water quality characteristics (suspended solids, pH-factor, conductivity and temperature) were carried out, using a similar method and similar equipment. To reach the required level of process dynamics, the data were recorded at short time intervals (10 sec) during a storm event. Statistical analysis of reliably measured data showed the main factor that affect surface solids build-up and wash-off. Based on it, a new physically based mathematical model of suspended solids wash-off has been developed. The model was calibrated and verified for both catchments. The brief description of the measurements, statistical analysis of recorded data, and the model, is presented in the paper.

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