Features of laminar and somatotopic organization of lumbar spinal cord units receiving cutaneous inputs from hindlimb receptive fields

Single-unit recordings from 312 units of lamina I-VII of the lumbar spinal cord of unanesthetized, decerebrate, T8 spinal cats were used to determine the somatotopic and laminar organization of spinal neurons responding to cutaneous stimulation of the hindlimb. Properties of cells confined to different Rexed laminae (I-VII) were shown to differ in several respects, including responses to variations in stimulus intensity, receptive-field areas, spontaneous frequencies, and central delays. Spinal cord neurons with similarly localized cutaneous receptive fields were found to be organized in sagittally oriented rectangular columns. These columns were 7 to at least 20 mm long (rostral-caudal axis), 0.5-1.0 mm wide, and could encompass laminae I-VII in depth. Touch, pressure, and pinch were effective excitatory inputs into each column subserving a given receptive-field location. A map of the somatotopic organization of units in the horizontal plane is presented, which in general confirms previous reports and in particular deals with the organization of units with receptive fields on the plantar cushion and individual toes.