Recombinant Interferon Alpha-2A (Roferon-A) in a Case of Buschke-Löwenstein Giant Condyloma

A case is presented of a 63-year-old female suffering from Buschke-Löwenstein giant condyloma acuminatum of more than 12 years’ duration. The lesions had spread from portio and vagina to the bladder and the right ureter resulting in hydronephrosis of the right kidney leading to subsequent surgical procedures including the establishment of an ilealbladder and exstirpation of the right ureter and nephrectomy of the right kidney. Treatment with recombinant interferon alpha-2A 1.8 mU for 5 days a week resulted in steady regression of all tumor masses. After 6 months of treatment the tumors which had covered the whole of vagina and portio and filled out the whole vagina cavity were reduced to 5 small pin-size lesions at the introitus. Initial side effects of flu-like symptoms disappeared spontaneously without discontinuation of treatment.