The Health Effects of Rural‐Urban Residence and Concentrated Poverty

This research quantifies the extent to which excess morbidity in rural areas is associated with individual characteristics, county income, and neighborhood party Census geographic codes were assigned to people 25 to 64 years old (n = 176,930) from the National Health Interview Survey, 1989 to 1991, in order to link individuals to the US Department of Agriculture county urban‐rural classification scheme and to 1990 county per capita income and poverty concentration in Census tracts General health status and limitation of activity were analyzed in logistic and multinomial logit models Residents of rural counties were at greater risk for health problems compared to residents of metropolitan and central core counties In adjusted models, the health disadvantage of rural areas was partly explained by differences in population composition The residual rural disadvantage was concentrated in people with less than a high school education Tract poverty and county per capita income were also important independent predictors of morbidity The results of this study suggest that special attention should be paid to improving education in disadvantaged places and to better understanding the ways in which economic growth and its benefits are distributed.