Naturally induced auto-anti-idiotypic (AAI) antibody responses specific for antimicrococcal antibody idiotypes were detected in 42% of the rabbits in a family immunized with Micrococcus lysodeikticus [Micrococcus luteus]. The natural AAI response of each rabbit recognized only a portion (11-41%) of that individual''s total antimicrococcal antibody population. Cross-reactions of idiotypes were observed within the group of rabbits exhibiting natural AAI responses. Examination of the basis for the cross-reactions showed that the natural AAI antisera recognized identical idiotopes on the antimicrococcal F(ab'')2 fragments from each rabbit that made an AAI response. The cross-reactive idiotopes were of paternal origin and were found in the antimicrococcal antibodies of each offspring that synthesized AAI but not in antimicrococcal antibodies of AAI-negative offspring. The idiotypic network concept that naturally induced AAI responses may occur routinely in outbred normal individuals as a result of antigenic stimulation was supported. The induction of regulatory AAI antibody responses in outbred rabbits may depend on the expression of particular germ line idiotopes.