Translational Machinery in Dendrites of Hippocampal Neurons in Culture

In neurons, several mRNAs are selectively delivered to dendritic domains where they are presumably translated by local protein synthetic machinery. Although electron microscopy has identified polyribosomes in dendrites, in particular in postsynaptic dendritic compartments, the functional composition of the local protein synthetic apparatus and the scope of its translational capacity have not been analyzed. To ascertain the translational competence of dendrites, we have probed hippocampal neurons in primary culture for various integral and associated factors of the translational apparatus. We report here that dendrites of such neurons are equipped with a spectrum of translational machinery components, including ribosomes, tRNAs, initiation and elongation factors, and elements of the cotranslational signal recognition mechanism. These components are differentially and nonuniformly distributed in dendritic arbors. Their dendritic location illustrates the soma-independent potential of dendrites to synthesize selected proteins in local domains.