Results of ac Hall mobility measurements in crystals of strontium titanate in different stages of reduction are reported for the temperature range 190-500°K. The charge-carrier concentration of one of these crystals was two orders of magnitude less than for crystals measured in any previously reported work. A dependence of the magnitude of the mobility on the density of charge carriers was found, with the mobility increasing with an increase in the degree of reduction of the crystals. The temperature variation of the mobility is essentially the same for all the samples, and assumes the form μ0eΘT, with μ0 and Θ constants. A value for Θ about 700°K was calculated from the data, and values for μ0 were 0.42, 1.0, and 1.42 cm2 V1 sec1, with the lowest value corresponding to the sample with least reduction. A polaron mass was calculated using the value of μ0 for the least-reduced crystal, and was found to be 3.1m0, with m0 the free-electron mass.

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