Cross sections are reported for the O16(d,α)N14 transitions to the ground and first excited state for 2 MeVEd14 MeV and 8-18 angles. An S-matrix analysis of the isospin-forbidden reaction to the N14(2.31-MeV) T=1 state yields level parameters, spins, and parities for a large number of F18 intermediate states. Several of these are analogs of T=1 levels in O18. The mechanisms for the isospin-forbidden reaction is entirely compound nuclear and for the isospin-allowed transition is predominantly so. The isospin impurity, averaged over 1-MeV intervals, is 3-10% for 10Ex(F18)20 MeV. Analysis by peak counting indicates that ΓJDJ1 at Ex=14 MeV and that the average coherence width increases from ∼ 100 keV at Ex=14 MeV to ∼ 500 keV at Ex=20 MeV.