We calculate the low-field Hall coefficient RH of a polycrystalline sample of an anisotropic metal, using the effective-medium approximation. For a quasiplanar metal, with a single band of carriers, we find RH=45RH0, where RH0=1(nqc) is the free-electron Hall coefficient for a density of n carriers of charge q. With both electron and hole carriers, we obtain to first order in the ratios mhxmhz and mexmez, RH=451nhec[1(nenh)Qx2][1+(nehn)Qx]2 1+4mhxmhz[1(nenh)QxQz][1(nenh)Qx2], where nh and ne are the number densities of holes and electrons, mhxmhz the ratio of in-plane to out-of-plane hole masses, and Qi is the ratio of electron-to-hole mobilities in the ith direction. The model agrees well with experimental results of Penney, Shafer, Olson, and Plaskett for La2xSrxCuO4 as a function of x at T=50 K.