Population ecology and life history strategy of a Montane Lizard (Sceloporus scalaris) in Southeastern Arizona

Populations of S. scalaris were studied in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona from 1973-1976. Reproductive maturity occurs in .apprx. 8 mo. A single clutch of eggs is produced, averaging 5.9 eggs in yearlings and .apprx. 10 eggs in older females. There was no significant variation in clutch size varied with body size. Females tended to outnumber males up to as much as 2:1. Mortality size among years and clutch varied from year to year but averaged about 0.7 in hatchlings, 0.5 in yearlings and 0.7 in adults. Animals are active all year and the long growing season permits early maturity. Approximately 44% of the lifetime fertility results from the 1st reproduction.