Measurements were taken at room temperature and at liquid‐nitrogen temperature of the magneto‐resistance of nickel and nickel‐iron alloy thin films. The transverse magnetoresistance data, with current in a [110] direction, of Δρ/ρ0 vs θ, where θ is the angle between the plane of the film and the direction of the magnetic field, show marked anisotropies with large lobes at values of θ corresponding to the magnetic field perpendicular to a 〈111〉 direction of the crystal structure. Similar measurements performed on a polycrystalline film show quite an isotropic behavior. With the films at the low temperature (77°K) the graphical plot of Δρ/ρ0 shows the same general shape as that for the room‐temperature data, except that for the nickel films Δρ/ρ0 is reduced in magnitude. No corresponding anisotropies were observed, however, in the Hall‐voltage measurements which were taken at room temperature. The anisotropies observed in the magnetoresistance data for the nickel‐iron alloy films were of the same general character as those observed for the nickel films.