Lifetime and linear polarisation measurements with the80Kr( ,n )83Sr and82Kr( ,n )85Sr reactions
- 1 November 1980
- journal article
- Published by IOP Publishing in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics
- Vol. 6 (11) , 1415-1426
Mean lifetimes of 83Sr, 84Sr and 85Sr levels have been measured by DSAM. The reactions used were (α,nγ) and (α, 2nγ) with solid krypton targets. Angular distribution and linear polarisation measurements yielded several multipole mixing ratios and Jπ assignments. The Jπ of the 4.9 h isomer in 85Y is shown to be 2/9+.Keywords
This publication has 12 references indexed in Scilit:
- High spin states of 83SrNuclear Physics A, 1980
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy on48CrJournal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics, 1979
- Mean lifetimes of85Sr levelsJournal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics, 1979
- Spin-alignment attenuation factors in mass 61–67 nuclei populated by (α, n) and (α, p) reactionsNuclear Instruments and Methods, 1979
- High-spin states of 85SrNuclear Physics A, 1977
- Proton states inY85Physical Review C, 1975
- Study of the Odd Strontium Isotopes with Stripping and Pickup ReactionsPhysical Review C, 1970
- Excitation energies and lifetimes of levels in 26SiNuclear Physics A, 1969
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