The caudal ganglion of the leech, which provides sensory and motor innervation to the posterior sucker, represents the fusion of seven embryonic segmental ganglia. Although fused, each of the seven contributing ganglia (“subganglia”) of the caudal ganglion can be distinguished morphologically and functionally. The roots from each subganglion carry the axons of mechanoreceptors homologous to “touch” cells found in the segmental ganglia and the subesophageal compound ganglion. The receptive fields supplied by the touch cells of the caudal ganglion are uniquely arranged and reveal the modified segmentation of the circular posterior sucker. Extensive overlap of sensory innervation occurs between adjacent segments of the sucker, beyond the overlap characteristic of the homologous cells of body segments. It thus appears that the touch receptors of the caudal ganglion are less restricted than receptors of the segmental ganglia with regard to their territories of innervation. The caudal ganglion has additional unique properties that establish it as a distinct integrative center of the leech CNS.