Microbial degradation of thidiazuron and its photoproduct

Degradation of the cotton defoliant thidiazuron and its photoproduct photothidiazuron by soil and thirteen species of microorganisms was examined.Aspergillus versicolor, Torula rosea, andFlavobacter sp. were most active in degrading thidiazuron. Unknown water-soluble metabolites and phenylurea were the major products.A. versicolor andPenicillium cyclopium were most active in degrading photothidiazuron. 4-Hydroxyphenylphotothidiazuron was the major organosoluble product formed byA. versicolor; phenylurea and an unidentified metabolite constituted the major organo-soluble products fromP. cyclopium. Both microbes also formed appreciable water-soluble metabolites. Radioactive carbon dioxide was formed from thidiazuron-aniline-14C byOscillatoria sp. but not byChlorella sp., suggesting that the former algal species utilized the defoliant as an energy source.