Since it is generally known for which image receptor optical systems are used and what sort of objects will be imaged, a system of optical transfer functions guaranteeing optimum image formation can always be given. Starting from this situation, the paper studies problems when lenses should be corrected automatically with the aid of a system of OTF's or other OTF-based criteria. Summarizing the work of Hopkins and King, the usefulness for practical application is discussed. The cost of computation has been the most important restriction preventing a widespread use of well-known techniques, but with the development of cheaper and quicker computers there is no reason for not designing optical systems of desired quality for the envisaged application. It is emphasized that the final average OTF value which is used as a criterion for optimizing the design can also be used to specify the image quality by a number and can be compared by measuring the real OTF values with the optical system produced later on according to the best constructional data found.