Carbohydrate analysis of beech honeydew

Honeydew from the beech scale insect, Ultracoelostoma assimile, infesting the beech species Nothofagus fusca and N. solandri var. solandri contained fructose, sucrose, glucose, and several non-reducing oligosaccharides composed of glucose and fructose residues. Although the total carbohydrate content varied from 5 to 64 g/100 g, and was dependent on rainfall in the sampling area, there were no significant differences between the honeydews of N. fusca and N. solandri sampled on the same day in the absence of recent rain. The mean proportional composition (±SD) of such samples were 42±5% fructose, 23±8% sucrose, 1 ± 0.4% glucose, and 33±6% oligosaccharides. A refractometer calibrated against sucrose slightly overestimated total carbohydrate of honeydew and such data should be divided by a correction factor of 1.145. The energy value of honeydew carbohydrate was estimated to be 16J mg−1 (dry weight). Honeydew contained little protein (−1).