Analog Signal Processing for the Time Projection Chamber

The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is a large gas filled cylindrical detector designed to provide 3-D images of tracks radiating from the center of the detector where e+ e- collisions occur. Ionization along the tracks is drifted in an electric field to the end planes which are equipped with a large array of proportional wires and position pads (17,000 channels). The wire signals are used to derive radial data while the pad signals provide the azmuthal information. The axial dimension is determined using the drift time of the ionization. Preamplifiers mounted in the ends of the chamber feed the signals to remote amplifiers whose outputs drive Charge Coupled Devices (CCD). The CCDs are normally clocked at 10 MHz and hold a 45.5 μs history (445 CCD buckets) of analog drift information from the TPC. During readout the clock is changed to 20 KHz and 17,000 CCD outputs are digitized (9 bits) in parallel. The non-zero data is then transferred to buffer memories associated with the digitizers. This paper emphasizes the analog signal processing part of the system.

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