Co-Culture of Ovine Ova with Oviductal Cells in Medium 199

Three experiments were conducted to test the suitability of medium 199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (M199FCS) as a medium for co-culture of one-cell sheep ova with sheep oviductal cells. In Exp. 1, ova were co-cultured for 5 d in 5 ml of M199FCS or in Ham's F10 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (F10FCS). Co-culture did not increase the number of cleavages at the end of 5 d of culture, but M199FCS supported more cleavages than did F10FCS (P = .016). In Exp. 2, ova were cultured for 1 to 3 d in M199FCS alone or on oviductal, uterine or kidney cell monolayers from ewes 2 d postestrus and transferred to recipients from which they were recovered at 8 d postestrus. Co-culture with oviductal cells improved (P < .001) the cleavage index of recovered embryos compared with culture in medium alone or co-culture with other cell types. In Exp. 3, monolayers of oviductal cells from ewes 2 d postestrus and from luteal-phase ewes were cultured as in Exp. 2. No difference was observed between the two sources of oviductal cells for their ability to support in vitro development of one-cell sheep eggs for 1 or 2 d. These studies suggest thatM199FCS may be a good medium to use in an oviductal cell co-culture system for one-cell sheep ova. Results further suggest that specific secretions of oviductal cells may be important for early embryo development in vivo. Copyright © 1988. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1988 by American Society of Animal Science